What do you mean it’s a ‘preventable disease’?

What are preventable diseases, and how to avoid them Each and every year, millions of men around the world die as a result of diseases that are, for the most part, entirely preventable. Eight guys in New Zealand die from one every day Of course women also die from these diseases, but men are much less likely […]

Check out a prostate check

Jeremy and Mark double date for a prostate check Sharp presenter Jeremy Wells accompanied MHW ambassador Mark Sainsbury on a double date as part of Men’s Health Week recently. The pair were off to meet another MHW ambassador, Dr Tom Mulholland, who gave each a quick and accurate test of the health of their prostates. There […]

Why do guys shun the doctor, but women don’t?

Lets face it, us men are really bad patients. Compared with women, we avoid going to the doctor, skip more recommended screenings and practice riskier behavior. Funnily enough, we also die about four or five years sooner, live with more years of bad health and have higher suicide rates. Avoiding = unconscious (and bad) dude […]

Your skin – holding it all together

Our skin acts as the protective barrier between our internal body systems and the outside world. It’s not only the body’s largest sensory organ, but it’s also the largest organ.

Your heart – the engine we need to keep running

New Zealand’s biggest killer Heart disease is the biggest killer in New Zealand, and accounts for one third of all deaths each year. Cardiovascular diseases are the main cause of death, followed by strokes which happen when an artery in the brain is blocked or leaks. Strokes are the largest cause of disability in adults […]

How to start exercising if you’re out of shape

  Ok, so maybe your GP has recommended you exercise a little more, or possibly you’ve had a recent health scare. Maybe your family has been nagging you to get off the couch, or you’ve decided yourself that it’s time to lose some weight. How the heck do you find the motivation, time and resources […]