Breaking down the big health issues guys face
All of us will face health problems at some stage of our lives. The more we know about what these are, the better we can face up to them or better still, avoid them.
Too many Kiwi men die from PREVENTABLE illnesses – something that maybe didn’t need to cause so much grief. Just as bad is having to live what can become crap lives then die much earlier than they should.
At Men’s Health Week we have two simple mantras: prevention is way better than a cure, and if we’ve missed the prevention train, then small steps can make a big difference when it comes to starting to put things right.
This part of the site will take you to some simple explanations of the big health problems guys in New Zealand may encounter.
The Health Categories links on the right take you directly to the specific pages, and links on these can take you further or to other info we rate.
The MHW health quizzes are fun and useful too.
For a snapshot of just where you may be in your health admin, make sure you pop over and do What’s Your Score?

Tell me why my breath smells bad?
Why is my breath so bad, and what can I do? Bad breath is a killer. In your social life, in your working life and

Tell me why my pee is (or should be) yellow
Why is Urine Yellow? And what if it’s not? We all have to do it and it’s a sure sign of what’s happening inside our

Tell me why does my tummy grumble?
What is tummy rumbling all about? If you really want to impress your mates, next time someone’s stomach starts to rumble remind them its merely

Tell me why do my feet smell so bad?
Why do my feet smell so bad? Do you think your feet smell? Then consider this. Smell your feet then multiply that whiff by 10.

Tell me why do some people sweat like a pig?
Why do some people sweat like a pig? Firstly the curious thing about pigs is they have relatively few sweat glands and actually don’t sweat

Damaging our ears daily
Our ear has developed to detect even very low-level sounds. Why? It’s a natural survival tool. Think about prey animals like rabbits or deer. Their

Hearing loss – how it affects us
Hearing loss is incredibly common, especially as we age. In many cases it is age-related as parts and pathways get a little worn, but in

Hearing and balance – the basics
How we hear sound Sound is transmitted through the air as sound waves from the environment. The sound waves are funnelled by the outer ear

Teeth – the basics
What are teeth and why do we need them? Teeth play a big role in digestion. They cut and crush foods, making them easier to

Tooth decay – here’s what happens
Some science actually lies behind the tooth decay ads Here’s how it works. The outer enamel layer of our teeth is the hardest tissue in

Dental costs – the elephant in the clinic
Too many of us are missing important dental help because of costs. In dental speak, the term ‘unmet needs’ means folk wandering about with holes

Man WOF in Te reo Māori, Samoan and Mandarin (简体中文)
AA Man WoF now in Te reo Māori, Samoan and Mandarin (简体中文) and English Our mates at the AA adapted Men’s Health Week’s useful What’s