Dental Health

Dental Health

We all start with none, then hopefully end up with a full set of 32 of them which we then get about ruining for the rest of our lives. They’re the hardest part of us, but we seem to give them an even harder time.
Our teeth are incredibly important. They are the first stage of how we fuel our bodies. They star in our happiest expressions. For some they are a logo, a personal showcase. They can make us feel great, or they can cripple us with pain or shame.
Men’s Health Week wants to help guys understand what’s happening with their teeth,  what we eat and drink does to teeth and to think about getting back on top of the old front of house thing.
In the end it comes down to looking after the teeth we have, and that means we need the regular maintenance and check ups that qualified pros in the dental field offer as well as doing some of the work ourselves.
It’s worth it. As Miguel de Cervantes wrote in Don Quixote more than 400 years ago, ‘Every tooth in a man’s head is more valuable than a diamond’.