Breaking down the big health issues guys face
All of us will face health problems at some stage of our lives. The more we know about what these are, the better we can face up to them or better still, avoid them.
Too many Kiwi men die from PREVENTABLE illnesses – something that maybe didn’t need to cause so much grief. Just as bad is having to live what can become crap lives then die much earlier than they should.
At Men’s Health Week we have two simple mantras: prevention is way better than a cure, and if we’ve missed the prevention train, then small steps can make a big difference when it comes to starting to put things right.
This part of the site will take you to some simple explanations of the big health problems guys in New Zealand may encounter.
The Health Categories links on the right take you directly to the specific pages, and links on these can take you further or to other info we rate.
The MHW health quizzes are fun and useful too.
For a snapshot of just where you may be in your health admin, make sure you pop over and do What’s Your Score?

Here’s what the doctor says guys
Long-time Auckland GP Dr John Cameron joined TVNZ’s Haley Holt to talk about how the doctor-patient thing works these days. It’s quick, easy and non-judgemental.

What do you mean it’s a ‘preventable disease’?
What are preventable diseases, and how to avoid them Each and every year, millions of men around the world die as a result of diseases that are,

Check out a prostate check
Jeremy and Mark double date for a prostate check Sharp presenter Jeremy Wells accompanied MHW ambassador Mark Sainsbury on a double date as part of Men’s

What’s stopping you seeing a doctor
Men are already on the wrong side of the health statistics.

Why do guys shun the doctor, but women don’t?
Lets face it, us men are really bad patients. Compared with women, we avoid going to the doctor, skip more recommended screenings and practice riskier

It’s been too long since you visited a doctor
Ok, so it has been 5, 10, maybe even 15 years since you last visited a doctor.

Melanoma and other skin conditions
Every day one New Zealander dies from melanoma. Nearly 60% of these will be men.

Your skin – holding it all together
Our skin acts as the protective barrier between our internal body systems and the outside world. It’s not only the body’s largest sensory organ, but it’s also the largest organ.

Prostate Health and when it goes wrong
Around 1 in 10 New Zealand men will develop prostate cancer at some stage in their lifetime.

Your heart – the engine we need to keep running
New Zealand’s biggest killer Heart disease is the biggest killer in New Zealand, and accounts for one third of all deaths each year. Cardiovascular diseases

How to start exercising if you’re out of shape
Ok, so maybe your GP has recommended you exercise a little more, or possibly you’ve had a recent health scare. Maybe your family has

Tips from the Masters #5 – Cover me
Be smart outside in the sun – cover up Working outside? You do know that working up the hell suntan is actually not compulsory. In