Breaking down the big health issues guys face
All of us will face health problems at some stage of our lives. The more we know about what these are, the better we can face up to them or better still, avoid them.
Too many Kiwi men die from PREVENTABLE illnesses – something that maybe didn’t need to cause so much grief. Just as bad is having to live what can become crap lives then die much earlier than they should.
At Men’s Health Week we have two simple mantras: prevention is way better than a cure, and if we’ve missed the prevention train, then small steps can make a big difference when it comes to starting to put things right.
This part of the site will take you to some simple explanations of the big health problems guys in New Zealand may encounter.
The Health Categories links on the right take you directly to the specific pages, and links on these can take you further or to other info we rate.
The MHW health quizzes are fun and useful too.
For a snapshot of just where you may be in your health admin, make sure you pop over and do What’s Your Score?

Tips from the Masters #4 – Stretching it
Stretch and flex, warm up, get ready Before you start work each day, it’s smart to loosen the muscles you use most frequently on the

Tips from the Masters #3 – Move me
Exercise off the job too Lots of people who work a physical job think there’s no need to exercise outside of working hours. Wrong. While

Tips from the Masters #2 – Water me
Drink all day long When it’s hot, make sure you keep up your drinking – and we mean mainly just water. While a nice cold

Tips from the Masters #1 – Feed me good
#1 Feed the machine as well as you can Start with a good breakfast Set yourself up for the day. Try to go for

Stretching – start your day the easy way
Waking up feeling sluggish? Tough to get going when that alarm sounds off? Maybe you need to spend 10 minutes every morning giving your body

Here’s the bad news guys
DID YOU KNOW… Every 90 minutes one New Zealander dies of heart disease. Or that every three hours, one Kiwi dies from a preventable illness

Mental Health
Mental health is something that men are getting better and better at talking about. There is a growing understanding that although mental health issues can be triggered by stresses in daily life, they are clinical diseases that often require outside help and medical treatment.
Testicular Cancer
The ball’s in your court! Testicular cancer is the most common cancer affecting men between the ages of 15 to 39, but also occurs in other age

Māori Men’s Health
As a population group, Māori have the poorest health status of any ethnic group in New Zealand.

Preventative Health
Easy steps we can all take to take control of our health The best thing that New Zealand men can do about their health is

Rural men face special challenges
Rural guys face more challenges than urban mates At least 640,000 Kiwis live rurally (14% of our population), making our rural population effectively New Zealand’s